Dear Anteaters,
General elections are next week Tuesday, November 6th from 7am to 8pm. This year we have five polling locations on campus: Mesa Court Recreation Center, University Hills Community Center, VDC Dining Room (VDC Community Center), Middle Earth Gandalf’s Classroom, and Verano Place Commons. Do not forget to come out and remind your friends, peers and families to exercise one of their most powerful rights: VOTE!
ASUCI will be hosting a Get Out the Vote Street Fair on November 5th from 12pm to 1pm at the Flag Poles. We will have musical performances, spoken word, free food, and GOTV spirit giveaways.
Andrea Gaspar and Jennifer Jones
ASUCI, Executive Vice President and AGS, External Vice President
For more information:
Orange County Polling Locations:
University of California Student Association Voter Proposition Guide: