Dear Anteaters,
ASUCI is tasked with the mission to promote advocacy, diversity, and academic enrichment through impactful student-driven programs. However, ASUCI also recognizes that many of our student communities require specific outreach and programming efforts in order to address all of the issues that students from those communities face. That is why ASUCI always supports establishment of resource centers to address the specific issues of our various communities. It is in this light that Office of the President at ASUCI endorses Assembly Bill 2009, a bill which calls for the California public high schools, colleges, and universities to establish “Dream Resource Centers” and require college campuses to have a designated staff person known as the “Dream Resource Liaison” to provide undocumented students with adequate support during their educational journey. Below, you may find the full text of this letter of support:
Parshan Khosravi
President, Associated Students of UC Irvine