Hello Anteaters,
The ASUCI External VP’s office would like to welcome you to apply to the 2016 UC Student Organizing Summit (SOS)
This year’s congress will take place August 11 – August 14 at Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center in Pomona, California. The UC Irvine delegation will be commuting from UC Irvine to the conference for the duration of the conference. Leaving around 7:30am to Pomona, and arriving back at UC Irvine around 9-10pm. Transportation and conference registration are provided for.
The application can be found at asuci.uci.edu or https://asuci.uci.edu/applications/?id=532. This application will close on July 22nd at 5pm. If you have any questions, please email the office of the EVP: executivevp@asuci.uci.edu.
Office of the External VP