Hello Anteaters,

The ASUCI External VP’s office would like to welcome you to apply to the 2016 UC Student Organizing Summit (SOS)

[formerly known as the UCSA Student Congress]. The UCSA Student Congress is an annual conference focused on the intersection of activism and student issues, creating conversation and teaching skills that students need to be powerful student organizers. It is also where UC students retire a previous two-year campaign and vote on a new issue for UCSA to organize around for the next two years. In recent years students in this space have created campaigns to address the school-to-prison pipeline, sexual assault on college campuses, and the lack of resources for mental health.

This year’s congress will take place August 11 – August 14 at Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center in Pomona, California. The UC Irvine delegation will be commuting from UC Irvine to the conference for the duration of the conference. Leaving around 7:30am to Pomona, and arriving back at UC Irvine around 9-10pm. Transportation and conference registration are provided for.

The application can be found at asuci.uci.edu or https://asuci.uci.edu/applications/?id=532. This application will close on July 22nd at 5pm. If you have any questions, please email the office of the EVP: executivevp@asuci.uci.edu.

Office of the External VP
