Mental Health – Conquering Imposter Syndrome

🗓️ Hi Anteaters, with Week One coming to a close, please know that YOU belong and deserve to be here, and the ASUCI Mental Health Commission is here if you have any doubts about that! 💜

Many of us have felt or are currently experiencing impostor syndrome—that pervasive feeling of self-doubt that makes you feel unqualified or incompetent. Often, we compare ourselves to others, which makes these self-doubts even stronger.

But know that you are not a fraud. You are a high achiever, and you are enough. Don’t tap into those societal pressures and those feelings of doubt and failure.

If anything, you have time, so please take care of yourself and don’t take on commitments just because others are. It’s more important than ever to keep yourself in check and ask for help whenever you’re overwhelmed. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your mental health or just life in general, feel free to email us at We would be happy to chat :)! 💜