Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is ASUCI?

ASUCI stands for the Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine and it acts as the undergraduate student government. ASUCI is run by students for the students. Elected officials, chosen by the student population, hold and advocate the basic rights of all who attend UC Irvine. In addition to recognizing and protecting these rights, ASUCI provides a vast number of activities, services, and programs to help all anteaters flourish and succeed.

2. Who makes up ASUCI?

ASUCI is a tripartite system of government that consists of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches.

Executive Branch:

  • President: The President oversees campus issues, creates transparency from administration, tackles issues concerning student welfare and runs commissions such as ArtLab and the Basic Needs Policy Officer.
  • External Vice President: Duties of the External Vice President include campus outreach, external Affairs and addressing issues affecting higher education such as tuition, the school-to-prison pipeline, and expanding resources for marginalized communities.
  • Academic Affairs Vice President: The Academic Affairs Vice President manages the Anteater Mentorship Program, Academic Senate, Visions Leadership, and Professor Luncheons.
  • Internal Vice President: The Internal Vice President works to bring sustainability and advocacy programs to the campus such as Anteaters in Action and the Food Security Initiatives such as Swipe Out Hunger. Their duties also include sitting on several campus advisory boards such as the Student Center, ARC, Bren Events, USHIP, and Anteater Express.
  • Student Services Vice President: The Student Services Vice President helps bring to our campus events such as the Anteater Involvement Fair, various concerts, athletic rallies and spirit days, Homecoming, film screenings and many other events that contribute to the UCI undergraduate experience.

Legislative Branch:

Senate: The Senate is made up of student representatives who discuss and approve or reject legislations. The representatives are organized by school. To find out who your school representative is, visit:

Judicial Branch:

The Judicial Branch is made up of Judicial Board members who hear appeals made by the ASUCI Elections Commission and makes sure to uphold individuals’ and organizations’ rights. To see the full list of Judicial Board Members, visit

3. How do I become involved in ASUCI?

ASUCI is filled with several positions and opportunities to get involved. Applications are available during summer and at the beginning of every quarter or on a rolling basis throughout the year on the ASUCI website – – and any student is welcome to stop by the ASUCI Offices for more information and talk directly with any of your executive officers. Anyone is able to apply, no prior experience is necessary. Feel free to email former Executive Officers to learn more about positions and how to apply.

Most commissions have established a two-part process for the same. This includes filling in an application followed by a short interview. After the interview, you will be notified by an official email of the final decision for your application. Executive Positions, Senate Positions, and Commissioner positions may come with a yearly stipend, however Internship positions are by a volunteer basis.

In order to find out the most appropriate position for you, you might want to go to our website — When you scroll down the first page, you could find a part called “application”. All the available position will be shown there. It will always be updated. In order to see all the positions in ASUCI, you could go over it under the Branches part on our website.

4. What services does ASUCI provide?

  • Discount Tickets: ASUCI often provides discounted tickets to many attractions and hotspots around Southern California as like to Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, Legoland etc. All this and much more from the front desk of the ASUCI office!
  • Shuttle Service and Transportation: ASUCI has been a harbinger of transportation and has provided shuttles for the students of UCI ever since 1987 all around campus. Check for schedules and maps.
  • Vendor Fairs: Every quarter at least once, a vendor fair is organized at Ring Road, where variety of products and fast food snacks are sold at reasonable price. Be it the latest fashions to a bag of delicious kettle corn, they have it all. For the upcoming vendor fair notifications and list of vendors, visit If you have any feedback on Vendor Fair feel free to email the Vendor Fair Commissioner at

5. Who is allowed to attend events hosted by ASUCI ?

Events that are hosted by ASUCI are open to the entire undergraduate student body. Additionally, there are also many open to the community at large and the public, though not commonly held. Regardless, all full-time students with a valid Student ID Card are allowed at all ASUCI events.

6. Does ASUCI offer courses and how do I enroll in them?

There’s three different types of courses ASUCI offers, Visions, Anteater Mentorship Program and Campus Action Courses which are run by students. Participation on some of these also provides units. Vision courses teach students leadership and communication skills within ASUCI. This course is offered in Winter and Spring quarters. Similar to the Vision courses, AMP (Anteater Mentorship Program) courses also help students gain their leadership skills through social activities and one on one mentor ship. For further enquiry email , for AMP and Visions respectively.

7. What types of Events does ASUCI host?

ASUCI puts on several campus wide events, which include professor-student panels, school spirit rallies, entertainment events that range from student talent to professional musicians, speaker conventions that address students’ questions relating to academic and professional concerns, and much more. Some examples that are hosted annually by ASUCI include:

  • Welcome Week:

A week of free and fun-filled activities to welcome new and returning students back to campus, which is held during Week 0 of every Fall Quarter. Includes a club fair, a free concert known as Aldrich Park After Dark, movie screenings, ASUCI Open House, campus tours and lots of other social activities. For more information, go to

  • Concerts:

Soulstice is a student talent competition that is held every Winter Quarter. Talent ranges from dance to a capella. Have more questions about the event or want to be a part of the Soulstice team? Click here:

Summerlands resembles more of a music festival than a concert since it is held outdoors in Aldrich Park, contains food booths, and a beer garden. Past lineups had Kina Grannis, Us the Duo, and SoMo. For more information, go to

This past year in 2020, we hosted our first ever Moonlight Melodies, an outdoor concert held in Aldrich Park. Past lineups included Umi and Jeremy Zucker.

  • Academic Panels/Q&A:

Academic Engagement series are held to provide students an informal setting to learn from professors in their field of study. Multiple events are held every quarter and free food/snacks are provided for students who attend. More questions? Contact the Academic Engagement Commission here: or visit their website:

Actors/Comedians/Other well-known speakers are also invited to UCI once a year to discuss their struggles and successes, which range from immigration to the U.S. or making a career on YouTube, and also to answers students’ questions. Some past speakers include The Try Guys from Buzzfeed, Jenna Marbles, Trixie Mattel, and more. Email the Speakers Commission at for more information.

  • ArtLAB:

Two ArtLAB events are held every quarter. They showcase students’ artwork with a different theme for every event. In addition to that, there are also interactive activities, games, free food, and more held at the Student Center. Want to showcase your artwork or have more questions? Contact the ArtLAB Commission at

  • Movie Nights:

Free movie nights are held regularly throughout the year and is usually held in Aldrich Park or Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. For more information contact the Films Commission at

For more information about other events hosted by ASUCI, check the ASUCI – Events webpage or contact the different respective ASUCI’s Offices, which could be found under the Branches tab at

8. Who can attend Senate meetings where do they take place?

Any student UCI student is welcome to the Senate meetings and it is highly encouraged to attend. As a member of the public you may be able to voice tour concerns and speak to Senators through public comment in the beginning of the meeting. The Senate meets regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm, usually in Woods Cove BC. Meeting locations do sometimes change, so please contact Student Government and Student Media office at 949-824-5547 to be notified of the location of the next meeting.

9. Where is ASUCI located?

ASUCI is located inside the Student Media and Government office situated in the Student Center terrace stage, across from the ATM’s.

10. Where does my money go to?

ASUCI fees are collected and a budget is created at the end of each fiscal year by newly elected ASUCI Executives. The annual budget for each year has to be approved by the ASUCI Senate per ASUCI Documents and adopted by all offices. Each portion of the budget goes to each Executive Office ranging from Office of the President, to Elections Commission, and Senate. Each office then has the capacity to spend in many ways such as events, resources, give-a-ways, concerts, festivals, movie screenings, office supplies, ASUCI stipends, programs, conferences, student grants and reimbursements, and more that are all available to students. Every three weeks, Executive Officers have to present to the ASUCI Senate and conduct a powerpoint that explains their Executive Budget Reports, this information is available to the public.

Past Legislations of Approved Budgets:

2019-2020 Approved Budget

2018-2019 Approved Budget

2017-2018 Approved Budget

2016-2017 Approved Budget