Office Mission

The Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President (AAVP) is an office under the Executive Cabinet tasked with providing students with academic support in various types of programming, like meeting with the Academic Senate, bridging the gap between professors and students, inviting educational speakers, spreading awareness of campus resources, highlighting higher education, and more. As an office, we hope to genuinely enrich the academic experience and support the career choices of undergraduate students at UCI.

Under Article VII, Section 2.e. of the ASUCI Constitution, the Academic Affairs Vice President:

  1. Strives to cultivate student leadership by raising awareness about the diverse and dynamic academic opportunities on campus, providing avenues of learning outside the classroom, and empowering students to be advocates of the academic life here at UC Irvine;
  2. Represents the Associated Students on those matters relating to the educational quality at UCI;
  3. Serves as the ASUCI representative to the Academic Senate;
  4. Creates and oversees a commission of Academic Senate representatives, subject to appointment and removal of representatives by the Joint Committee on Student Representatives;
  5. Consults with the Academic Senate officers regarding the appointment of student representatives to the Academic Senate Committees; and
  6. Develops and maintains ASUCI programs relating to the academic enrichment for the undergraduate student body.

Shreyas Chandramouli (he/him)
2024-2025 Academic Affairs Vice President


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Join AAVP!

Interested in getting involved with the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President? Check out our open positions below!
Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) answered below. 

There are no open applications for the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President at this time. To see a list of all open applications for ASUCI, please check out our Open Positions page (About --> Open Positions).
  • What time are applications due?
    • All applications are due at 11:59 PM (Pacific) on the application deadline date.
  • Are intern positions paid?
    • No. All Intern positions within ASUCI are unpaid positions.
  • When will final decisions come out?
    • Our final decision timelines vary based on the positions available, number of applicants, and the university calendar (for example: we will not hold interviews during Week 10 or Finals Week). However, we typically aim to complete our hiring process within 2-3 weeks after the application deadline.
  • Do I need to have previous experience at ASUCI to apply?
    • No! Any undergraduate student at UC Irvine is encouraged to apply for any ASUCI position. We passionately believe that all students posses a unique set of skills that make them competitive for any position. Therefore, we approach all applications holistically.
  • I started my application before the deadline, but I was unable to submit by 11:59 PM PT. What do I do now?
    • All applications have a grace period of 8 hours after the deadline. During this grace period, previously started applications are allowed to be edited and submitted. However after this grace period, we are unable to accept any applications. All unsubmitted responses will be deleted after the grace period and the application will go offline.If you were unable to submit applications due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control, please contact for guidance.
  • The application deadline was extended. What happens now?
    • We typically extend applications to allow for more applicants to submit their applications. If we extend the application deadline, please expect to receive an email from the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President for further guidance. While our final decisions may be delayed, the extension will have no impact on your application or interview. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • Can I apply for multiple positions within the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President?
    • Yes! You may apply for multiple positions within the Office of the Academic Affairs Vice President! However, if you are offered multiple positions, you may only accept one.
  • Can I apply for multiple positions within ASUCI?
    • Yes! You may apply to multiple positions within ASUCI! However, we are not responsible for any applications that are submitted outside of the Academic Affairs Vice President’s office. Please contact the respective executive for any questions or concerns.
  • I accidentally (did not submit an)/(submitted the wrong) attachment on our application. What do I do?
    • If there was an error in uploading an attachment to your application, please send an email to with your attachment. However, we are unable to accept any other edits to your application.

If this did not answer one of your questions, please contact the Academic Affairs Vice President Office’s Chiefs of Staffs at!