The Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine is funded by the Associated Students Fee – a student fee assessed to all undergraduate students at UCI. Per the Registrar, these funds are intended to “provide social activities, lectures, forums, concerts, and other activities at either a reduced charge, or no charge, to UCI [undergraduate] students.” For the 2024-2025 academic year, the AS Fee is set at $51.32 per quarter ($153.96 for the year).

As approved by the 2023-2024 Joint Committee on the Budget and Senate in B59-10: Approval of the 2024-2025 ASUCI Budget, below is the ASUCI Budget for the 2024-2025 academic year. These numbers reflect initial balances and do not reflect the funds that have been spent throughout the course of the year. Regular budget reports from ASUCI leadership will be made available twice a quarter (following Weeks 3 and 7) detailing past, present, and future expenditures.

For questions about the ASUCI Budget, please contact the Executive Officer, Cabinet Officer, or Branch Head responsible for the account in question. Alternatively, please contact Student Financial Officer Nhu Dang at for general questions or guidance about the budget.

2023-2024 ASUCI Budget
2024-2025 ASUCI Budget
Paid Positions