ASUCI is the officially recognized undergraduate student government here at UCI – you might recognize us from from Welcome Week, ZotTalks, or Summerlands! As your student government, we’re responsible for many different things, including regularly providing resources and programming through events and conferences, managing commercial activities like the ASUCI discount tickets and the quarterly Vendor Fair, appointing students to important university committees, and advocating for students at the university, local, state, and national level. Our government also ensures that the basic rights of students, as established in our Constitution, are recognized, protected, and advocated for. What’s more, we’re entirely student-led – by the students, for the students! Everything we do to make UCI a better campus for Anteaters is made possible by the incredible student leaders who join us every year!


Under UC Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) 60.00, “Chancellors have authority to authorize or discontinue recognition of student governmental entities as official student governments, consistent with the status of such governments as official units of the University of California (see The Regents’ Policy on the Status of Associated Students). Such governments are responsible for representing student constituencies comprising either the student body as a whole or particular segments of it. Chancellors may also assign to such governments specified powers and other responsibilities concerning student affairs.”

In 1965-1966, over 50 students served on three (3) committees – Honor Code, Constitution, and Activities – which was the genesis of ASUCI. After a failed attempt to ratify a Constitution in Spring 1966, on November 18th, 1966, the first ASUCI Constitution and ASUCI Fee ($7.00 per quarter) were approved by 74.6% of the 1,141 students who voted. Chancellor Aldrich recognized the Election as valid and therefore authorized the establishment of both.

On May 19th, 1972, the Regents reaffirmed that “the Associated Students on the several campuses of the University are official units of the University exercising authorities concerning student affairs by delegations from the Regents, the President, and the Chancellors” and that “[t]he President is authorized to continue to take all administrative action which is necessary or appropriate to treat the Associated Students and all of their activities as integral parts of the University, including, in particular, steps necessary to secure exemption from taxes on property administered by the Associated Students and from government permits and fees for their activities, and actions to confirm that employees of the Associated Students are employees of the University.”

On October 8th, 1972, the Regents authorized ASUCI to increase the ASUCI Fee to $8.00 per quarter. On February 14th, 1973, the Regents authorized ASUCI to increase the ASUCI Fee to $9.00 per quarter. In 1981, the Regents authorized ASUCI to increase the ASUCI Fee to $13.00 per quarter. On July 18th, 1996, the Regents authorized ASUCI to increase the ASUCI Fee to $18.00 per quarter.

Through this ASUCI Fee, our student government is able to govern as an organization by students, for students. We do so in a variety of different ways to ensure advocacy and dedication on behalf of the undergraduate population. The ASUCI Fee goes towards events like Aldrich Park After Dark (APAD), Summerlands, ZotTalks, the Reclaim Mental Health Conference, various boothing events through the year, and more. With these funds, our student leaders are able to make decisions to better student life and start new programs and initiatives that can help students.

In Fall 1976, the graduate students separated from ASUCI to for their own organization, the Associated Graduate Students (AGS).


ASUCI is comprised of elected and appointed officials split into five (5) separate branches, each with distinct functions. Feel free to take a look at the chart below to see how our student government is organized and click through the offices that interest you!